Advanced SQL

SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Window Functions Series: NTILE()

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Unlock the power of SQL's NTILE function with our latest deep-dive article. Learn to segment your data effectively into quantiles for more nuanced analysis, discover common pitfalls and their solutions, and optimize your queries for peak performance.

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2024-02-03 (first published: )

4,434 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

5 (4)

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2023-11-20 (first published: )

9,020 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Exploring Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization in SQL Server 2022

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PSPO (Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization) is a SQL Server feature that improves query performance by accepting varied data sizes based on the runtime parameter value(s) specified by the customer. It deals with the situation in which a single cached plan for a parameterized query isn't the best option for all potential incoming parameter values. Non-uniform data distributions exhibit this phenomenon. When using PSPO, SQL Server keeps several execution plans for a single query, each one customized for a particular parameter value. With the help of this feature, numerous execution plans for a parameterized query are generated, each of which is tailored for a certain range of parameter values.

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3,271 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

4.9 (10)

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29,147 reads

Technical Article

Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Script

Many people have published high performance, read-less, Inline Table Valued functions that use Itzik Ben-Gan's wonderful "Virtual Numbers Table" to replace WHILE loops and other forms of RBAR. This one is Jeff Moden's version.

4.86 (7)

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2019-08-13 (first published: )

6,934 reads

Stairway to Advanced T-SQL

Stairway to Advanced T-SQL Level 3: Understanding Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

  • Stairway Step

A CTE is a temporary result set defined by a simple query, and is used within the execution scope of a single INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT statement. In this article we will explore how to define and use CTE's.

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2024-04-03 (first published: )

6,254 reads


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Sparse Column Defaults

What are the restrictions for defaults on columns declared as sparse?

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