Prakash K

I am a MS SQL DBA, born and brought up in Mumbai, India. Done my engineering in Electronics And Telecommunications and have been working in this industry as a DBA since 2011

SQLServerCentral Article

Memory Grant Feedback Persistence in SQL Server 2022

By using input from real memory consumption during query execution, Memory Grant input Persistence in SQL Server 2022 is a potent feature that helps optimize query performance. In order to improve the accuracy of memory grant calculations for subsequent executions of the same or comparable queries, SQL Server gathers and stores this information.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Deploying Azure SQL Database Using an ARM Template

Provisioning infrastructure in a timely and reliable manner is essential for agile development. One well-liked method that lets you use code to automate resource management and provisioning is infrastructure as code (IaC). Azure Resource Manager templates are one IaC solution for Azure (ARM templates).

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SQLServerCentral Article

Creating a Hyperscale Database in Azure Using the Azure Portal

One of the most effective ways to fully utilize your data is to create an Azure Hyperscale database. The principles of Azure Hyperscale databases have been discussed in this article, including their cost-effectiveness, worldwide accessibility, automatic scaling, and reliable performance.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Backup and Restore SQL Database to Azure Blob Storage

SQL databases are crucial for businesses, so it's critical to back them up. A dependable and affordable option is offered by Azure Blob Storage. Let's examine the advantages, the steps involved in backing up to and restoring from a device, recommended practices, and more.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Optimized Plan Forcing with Query Store in SQL Server 2022

In this Article ,  We will delve into the world of Query Store and explore how to use Optimized Plan Forcing to improve performance in SQL Server 2022. We will discuss what it is, how it works, and how it can impact your system's performance.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Exploring Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization in SQL Server 2022

PSPO (Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization) is a SQL Server feature that improves query performance by accepting varied data sizes based on the runtime parameter value(s) specified by the customer. It deals with the situation in which a single cached plan for a parameterized query isn't the best option for all potential incoming parameter values. Non-uniform data distributions exhibit this phenomenon. When using PSPO, SQL Server keeps several execution plans for a single query, each one customized for a particular parameter value. With the help of this feature, numerous execution plans for a parameterized query are generated, each of which is tailored for a certain range of parameter values.

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Escaping Like I

I have this data in a SQL Server 2022 table:

1The \%ChampActive
2The ChampActive
How many rows are returned by this code in SQL Server 2022?
select PlayerName from player
where playername like 'The\_C%' escape '\'

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