External Article

Storing and Retrieving the Initialization and Configuration Data for Applications

All developers hit the problem of how and where to store and set their configuration, profile, or initial data. A long time ago, it was generally decided that simple text files containing key/values were best, stored with the application. After all, you are relying on being able to entice busy people to get the permanent settings right for their requirements, folks who are generally not interested in your elegant computer science constructs. Not only that, but the settings must be parsed very quickly and efficiently, otherwise a process that uses the tool will slow to a crawl.


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T-SQL Tuesday #179: What’s In Your Data Detective Toolkit?


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How are statistics stored?

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Where's the Printer Friendly Option?

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Switch from MSSQL SVC to MSA - Unable to start services

By sunilgk595@gmail.com

Using MSSQL 2019 standard edition It was installed using SVC Account. But now I...

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How are statistics stored?

How are the statistics for query optimization stored in SQL Server?

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