Stairway Series

Stairway to Synapse Analytics

Level 4 of the Stairway to Synapse Analytics: Create and Use a Delta Lake

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Introduction In Level 1 of this series, I discussed Synapse Analytics basics and the steps for creating the Synapse Workspace. In Level 2, we analyzed Data Lake files using the Serverless SQL Pool. In Level 3, we analyzed Data Lake files using the Spark Pool. In Levels 4 and level 5, I will discuss the Delta […]

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Stairway to Synapse Analytics

Level 2 of the Stairway to Synapse Analytics: Analyze Data in Storage Account using the Serverless SQL pool

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In this second level of the Stairway to Synapse, we learn how to create external tables and query data that is stored in our data storage using the serverless pool.

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2024-10-24 (first published: )

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Stairway to DAX and Power BI

Level 27: Time Intelligence – Dates Functions: The DAX “Parallel Period” and “Same Period Last Year” Functions

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Business Intelligence Architect, “Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces two somewhat similar DAX Time Intelligence functions related to “parallel” Date periods: PARALLELPERIOD() and SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.

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How to Learn SQL Without Quitting Your Day Job


Juggling meetings, deadlines, and family? Yeah, learning SQL might seem like climbing Mount Everest...

Friday Flyway Tips: Chaining Commands for State-based Deployments


One of the cool things I’ve seen with the new Flyway CLI is that...

A New Word: Querinous


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SQL in an Azure VM Backup

If I use the Azure Backup service for automated backups of my SQL Servers in Azure VMs, how often can I configure log backups? (as of Dec 2024)

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