
SQLServerCentral Editorial

Why Tools Can Help You Do Your Job

This editorial was originally published on May 18, 2019. It is being re-run as Steve is on holiday. Back in my days as a SQL server DBA, I didn't have many third-party tools at my disposal. I remember having a monitoring tool with licenses for only three or four SQL server instances. Whenever there was […]

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2025-01-20 (first published: )

323 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

Yeah, I know, holidays are over. It snowed about four inches overnight here and it's still coming down a little. You'll forgive me for having that song running through my head. Yesterday morning, before the storm started, we did a check through the house to make sure we were ready for a couple of days […]

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Sparse Column Defaults

What are the restrictions for defaults on columns declared as sparse?

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