SQLServerCentral Article

Calculate Moving Averages using T-SQL in SQL Server

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Introduction In Financial Data, analyzing the Moving Average (MA) is a very common practice. The direction of the moving average conveys important information about prices, whether that average is simple or exponential. A rising moving average shows that prices are generally increasing. A falling moving average indicates that prices, on average, are falling. This article […]

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Technical Article

T-SQL script to purge all the tables including foreign key references

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T-SQL script to purge all the tables including foreign key references. The script has been made smart enough to use TRUNCATE wherever there is no foreign key reference and to use DELETE wherever there is foreign key reference.

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SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Server Name Convention and T-SQL Programming Style

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There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things -- Phil Karlton The recommendations in this article are not the ultimate truth. Please consider this article as a rule template that you can adapt to your needs. A naming convention is a set of rules for choosing the character sequence to […]

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Technical Article

Function and Queries to Convert Hierarchical Adjacency to Nested Json Arrays

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This script converts hierarchical adjacency into nested json rows which contain the recursive "downlines" of each node.  The table-valued function treats each row in the original adjacency as the root node in a recursive common table expression. 

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2019-11-25 (first published: )

701 reads

Technical Article

Function and Queries to Convert Hierarchical Adjacency to Nested Json Arrays

  • Script

This script converts hierarchical adjacency into nested json rows which contain the recursive "downlines" of each node.  The table-valued function treats each row in the original adjacency as the root node in a recursive common table expression. 

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2019-11-12 (first published: )

1,944 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Some T-SQL INSERTs DO Follow the Fill Factor! (SQL Oolie)

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With origins from the world of “Submarine ‘Dolphin’ Qualification” questions, an “Oolie” is a difficult question to answer, or the knowledge or fact needed to answer such a question, that may or may not pertain to one's duties but tests one's knowledge of a system or process to the limit. Introduction Contrary to what many […]

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Large System Databases on SQL Server


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How to give developers access to Query Store


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Logon Trigger Messages

I created this trigger in SQL Server 2022:

 PRINT 'Steve logged in'
Where can I view "Steve logged in"?

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