Everyone should establish some sort of naming convention for their SQL Server platform. It helps to ensure that developers and DBAs can easily find objects and communicate with one another. New author Michael Lato brings us the start of a series on organizing your SQL Server code with an article on naming conventions.
2008-02-29 (first published: 2007-03-07)
15,012 reads
One of the few things that SQL Server does not automatically help you with is the design of your tales, views, and other database objects. Having standards and design techniques can greatly ease the maintenance of your schema as well as ease the transition to having others work with the database. New author J.D. Gonzalez brings us some of his naming techniques to keep things organized.
2008-06-20 (first published: 2005-04-06)
52,228 reads
A look at coding standards in SQL Server. The first part of this series deals with object naming standards.
2007-10-02 (first published: 2002-05-09)
49,287 reads
Having a good set of naming conventions for your SQL Server objects is one of the most vital things to a company. In the long duration of a business, it saves money and time as programmers are transferred internally and don't need to relearn object names. As learning curves lower, cost lowers. This article covers some of the conventions that Brian Knight uses and why he uses them.
2007-09-22 (first published: 2001-05-29)
28,182 reads