Daniel Calbimonte

Daniel Calbimonte is an Expert in SQL Server including SSIS, SSRS, SSAS, and Azure.
He is a tech writer, blogger, DBA Developer, and consultant.
  • Skills: ssas, ssis, ssrs, Power BI, Azure

SQLServerCentral Article

Writing SQL Server code with AI using GitHub Copilot

Introduction In this article, we will see how to work with GitHub Copilot. GitHub copilot is an interesting plug-in that generates code using AI. The technology is from Microsoft and OpenAI. We will show how to install Copilot, and how to generate SQL Server code (T-SQL) using Copilot. First, we will answer some FAQs about Copilot […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

How to create a SQL Server presentation in 5 minutes using AI

Introduction This SQLServerCentral article shows how to create a SQL Server presentation in 5 minutes using AI. AI is revolutionizing the world as it continues to evolve. In this article, we aim to answer the question: Is it truly possible to create a high-quality presentation using AI in such a short amount of time? Is […]

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2023-12-27 (first published: )

3,687 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Bing vs Bard (Chatbot wars)

Introduction about Bing vs Bard You heard it well Chatbot wars, the war between Bing vs Bard. Ladies and gentlemen, in the Google corner we have the challenger, Bard! And in the Microsoft corner, we have a powerful AI-based in ChatGPT 4, the stupendous, the magnificent…Bing! (applause). These great chatbots will demonstrate their power in […]

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2,015 reads


Friday Basics: RPO and RTO


I did a post last month titled RTO and RPO are myths unless you've...

A New Word: ioia


ioia – n.the wish that you could see statistics overlaid on every person you...

Redgate Summit Comes to the Windy City


I love Chicago. I went to visit three times in 2023: a Redgate event,...

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SQL Server Encrypt data into a file, send it and then decrypt

By GBeezy

First off, my apologies for what could potentially be a bad title! I am...

Table partitioning best practice

By JasonO

I've inherited a couple of rather large databases from my ex-colleague when I join...

Identifying Customer Buying Pattern in Power BI - Part 2

By Farooq Aziz

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Identifying Customer Buying Pattern in...

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Question of the Day

Finding Marks

I have marked a few transactions in my code. How can I find out which marks were stored in a transaction log?

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