SQLServerCentral Article

Implementing a Flexible Backup Strategy

SQL Server has a rock solid backup routine that works every time. However the schemes used to implement backups with maintenance plans, Enterprise Manager, etc., are not a smooth or as flexible as what most people require. Author Eli Lieba brings us his strategy and code for ensuring that each database is backed up how he needs it to be, whether a full or differential backup.

SQLServerCentral Article

Custom String Functions

SQL Server's Data Transformation Services (DTS) is a fantastic tool for importing data from any type of source. However even with this tool, you sometimes need more flexibility than it appears to have, especially if the data formats are unknown far enough in advance. New author Chris Cathers has developed a technique that allows him to be extremely flexible without causing too many headaches down the road.

SQLServerCentral Article

Customized Output Labels

SQL Server has some great solutions for writing reports easily, ensuring quick service for your customers. However many of the quick ways of generating reports from the database include the column headers in the results. And often clients who expect customized work want to see labels that are more familiar to them. Leo Peysakhovich has developed a way that allows him to easily return custom labels from his stored procedures.

SQLServerCentral Article

PASS Summit 2004 - Another Look

Our longtime member and author, James Travis went with the SQLServerCentral.com crew to the 2004 PASS Summit in Orlando last month. For those of you that don't recognize the name, he goes by Antares686 in the forums and has been generous enough to post over 6,000 times, giving lots of his time and knowledge to helping others. He jotted down a few notes on the conference for those of you that weren't there and are considering going next year.

SQLServerCentral Article

DTS: Copy Objects Task

SQL Server DTS may be one of the best tools ever included with a database server. It makes data movement, copying, any sort of ETL task a breeze. At least for the most part. Bruce Szabo found a place where the Copy Objects task sometimes doesn't work as expected. This article looks a problem he had as well as the solution that you can use to ensure that this task works reliably for you.


5 Advanced Online SQL DBA Training Courses to Learn in 2024 and Beyond


Buckle up, database wranglers! Nowadays, SQL DBAs hold the keys to a company's most...

Dynamically Unpivot columns in SQL


Picture this, your data ingestion team has created a table that has the sales...

Friday Basics: RPO and RTO


I did a post last month titled RTO and RPO are myths unless you've...

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The Query Traceflag

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Using Machine Learning Pipeline Execution Activity in Azure Data Factory

By Sucharita Das

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