External Article

Introduction to C# for DBA's

This is the first article in a series on writing stored procedures using the Common Language Runtime (CLR). This article focuses on basic C# syntax and using Visual Studio to build a stored procedure. It's targeted at DBA's and anyone else who primarily writes in Transact-SQL and hasn't had much exposure to .NET yet.

SQLServerCentral Article

Real World Query Plans

The SQL Server 2000 Query Optimizer is one of the more complicated things that a SQL Server DBA deals with. For most of us, we just let it work and do not give it a second thought. But when a crisis occurred, Andy and Steve had to dive in to learn a few more things about it.

External Article

SQL Server 2005 System Tables and Views

When a SQL Server object is created, its properties are called metadata. The metadata is stored in special System Tables. For example, in SQL 2000, when a new column was created, the column name and data type could be found in an internal System Table called syscolumns. All SQL objects produce metadata. Every time SQL 2000 Enterprise Manager or SQL 2005 SQL Server Management Studio is browsed, the information displayed about database, tables, and all objects, comes from this metadata.


How to Learn SQL Without Quitting Your Day Job


Juggling meetings, deadlines, and family? Yeah, learning SQL might seem like climbing Mount Everest...

Friday Flyway Tips: Chaining Commands for State-based Deployments


One of the cool things I’ve seen with the new Flyway CLI is that...

A New Word: Querinous


querinous – adj. longing for a sense of certainty in a relationship; wishing there...

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standard deviation function doesnt seem to be behaving like an aggregate

By stan

hi i have 6 statistical populations in my overall data set.  They run across...

SQL Server Data...is it encrypted?

By water490

Hi Suppose someone gained unauthorized access to the physical SS data stored on my...

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

By Grant Fritchey

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SQL in an Azure VM Backup

If I use the Azure Backup service for automated backups of my SQL Servers in Azure VMs, how often can I configure log backups? (as of Dec 2024)

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