David Poole

David Poole has been developing business applications since the days of the
Commodore Pet.

Those were the days when 8K was called RAM not KEYBOARD BUFFER.

He now works as Data Solutions Architect at Moneysupermarket
  • Interests: Badminton, Cycling and Music. Keen piano player.

SQLServerCentral Article

Design your systems and processes for auditability

I have worked in more than one regulated industry, and since the banking crisis of 2008, I have witnessed a sea change in the approach to regulation.  The UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) was seen to be a toothless tiger.  The UK government replaced the FSA with two separate bodies, each with its own more […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Soft Skills: Controlling your career

Technical skills come and go while soft skills will serve you throughout your life. They will have the greatest influence over your career, job and role.  For some people soft skills come naturally.  As an Aspergers person (Aspie) I have to practice my soft skills at every opportunity. Pure techies need not lose hope. Soft […]

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2021-04-23 (first published: )

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PowerShell (and T-SQL) and Elastic Jobs


I’ve covered how to create Elastic Jobs in the portal (this one is important...

A New Word: Redesis


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Friday Flyway Tips: Autopilot in 10 minutes


The Solutions Engineers at Redgate recently released an Introduction to Redgate Flyway Autopilot course...

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No End to Programmers

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Solution to a problem without using a CURSOR

By krishnagceb

Hi there to all SQL gurus So, here is the scenario. I have a...

Error when running sql server backup routine job

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Guys, I am facing problems when running a backup routine JOB in SQL Server,...

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Counting Bits II

What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count('7')

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