Technical Article

SOA, Multi-Tier Architectures and Logic in the Database

Programmers, webmasters, Web services developers and database administrators (DBAs) are not strangers to the "Can we have it tomorrow?" request. That's why software and web developers have embraced a continuous stream of silver bullet technologies that promised to accelerate development. The developer community has experienced "web time", object-oriented programming (OOP), rapid application development (RAD), "extreme programming" and "agile development". Accelerated development schedules put a premium on understanding architecture and knowing how to match the tools to the job. That means understanding today's model of applications as services and what role a database can play. If you understand SQL technology, for example, you can adapt databases to application and service requirements by embedding logic in a database.

SQLServerCentral Article

Easy Auditing a Shared Account

Despite the major advances made with Profiler in SQL Server 2005, auditing changes isn't one of the strengths of the product. New author Sergey Pustovit brings us his technique that allows auditing of actions using shared accounts from an application. A few minor code changes, but overall this is a very interesting idea.

Technical Article

AMO Lets You Dig Deeper into Your Data from Your Own Applications

AMO lets developers put their own programs into action. It facilitates client-side custom programming as Decision Support Objects (DSO), the object model in SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services. With AMO, a whole range of data mining questions can be answered at the operational level. This means that sales and marketing departments get answers more quickly and thus can make informed decisions. Specialized resources, like the IT team and analysts, can be brought in when they're needed most.


Visualising SQL Server in Kubernetes


The other day I came across an interesting repo on github, KubeDiagrams. What this...

Picking a Starting Table in Test Data Manager


I wrote about getting the Redgate Test Data Manager set up in 10 minutes...

SQL Server Migration Using a Distributed Availability Group


SQL Server migrations are a headache, ask anyone who’s been through the pain of...

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Counting Bits II

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Counting Bits II

What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count('7')

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