
Senior application developer
  • Skills: Java, Spring boot, React, Azure, AWS, Postgres, Oracle, Websphere, Angular, Blockchain, Corda

SQLServerCentral Article

Array and Custom Data Types in PostgreSQL

Introduction Just like every other database, PostgreSQL has its own set of basic datatypes, like Boolean, Varchar, Text, Date, Time, etc. We can easily store data like numbers, characters, date, time, etc. using these supported datatypes, but what if we need to store multiple data elements in a single column? Suppose we are storing the […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Conditional DELETE and INSERT in PostgreSQL

Introduction We are comfortable with inserting/deleting record(s) into/from a table. But we sometimes get confused when we need to insert or delete records conditionally from a table. Let us look at an example. Example scenario Suppose we have a table, called ALL_EMPLOYEES, which contains all employees' information who are working or had ever worked for […]

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2021-06-18 (first published: )

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SQLServerCentral Article

Getting a Query Execution Plan in PostgreSQL

Introduction You often need to check the performance of a PostgreSQL query you just wrote to look for some way to improve performance. In order to do this, you need a report of the query execution, which is called the execution plan). The query execution plan gives you the entire summary of the query execution […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

The CAST operator in PostgreSQL

Introduction Cast is a technique in PostgreSQL with which we can convert a value of one datatype into another. We can perform various cast operations in PostgreSQL for converting one datatype to another, such as the String datatype to the Integer datatype (or the Boolean datatype or datetime datatype) and vice versa. This article will […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Rules in PostgreSQL

We sometimes need to perform a different/alternative actions during database queries. We need it for data protection or data abstraction. The PostgreSQL rule system allows to define an alternative action on insert, update or delete. A rule generates an extra query. As a result, rule execution impacts the performance of the system. Creating Rules A […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Getting Started with Gremlin

Apache TinkerPop is an open source graph computing framework. A graph computing network is a set of vertices and edges in the network. If we compare a graph database to traditional relational databases, we can assume that every row in a table of a relational database is equivalent to a vertex in graph network. Similarly, […]

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Attacking the Weakest Link


When I look at a system and think about its security model, the first...

Webinar – Microsoft Fabric for Dummies


On Wednesday May 15th 2024 I will give a free webinar on about...

Migrate datetime data to datetimeoffset with AT TIME ZONE


I recently reviewed, worked on, and added a similar example to the DATETIMEOFFSET Microsoft...

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Looking for a Recommended Azure SQL Managed Instance Book

By shew

Can anyone recommend an Azure SQL Managed Instance book? I'm looking for information about...

timeout in vs for ssas tabular deploy is 0 but i still timeout deploying

By stan

hi we run 2019 std but i'm testing this on 2016.   following some old...

Table variable declared within cursor persists across loop iterations

By Steve Collins

If you run this code it creates a 2 row cursor loop.  Within the...

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Question of the Day

The Backup File Extension

I run this command in SQL Server 2022. What is the extension of the backup file?

BACKUP DATABASE HerdofTwo TO DISK = 'HerdOfTwo_20240501'

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