Creating vs. Maintaining
When you create something, do you think about the future? Steve asks the question today.
When you create something, do you think about the future? Steve asks the question today.
Key vaults define security boundaries for stored secrets. It allows you to securely store service or application credentials like passwords and access keys as secrets. All secrets in your key vault are encrypted with a software key. When you use Key Vault, you no longer need to store security information in your applications. Not having to store security information in applications eliminates the need to make this information part of the code.
Learn how to quickly and efficiently attach multiple SQL Server databases using the undocumented DBCC CHECKPRIMARYFILE command. Automate the process with minimal effort, saving time and reducing errors.
AI has tremendous possibilities but also a number of security issues. Steve highlights one scary security issue today.
Date manipulation is a common scenario when retrieving or storing data in a Microsoft SQL Server database. There are several date functions (DATENAME, DATEPART, DATEADD, DATEDIFF, etc.) that are available and in this tutorial, we look at how to use the DATEADD function in SQL queries, stored procedures, T-SQL scripts, etc. for OLTP databases as well as data warehouse and data science projects.
In my family’s history of the past 10+ years, we have become well versed in nagging, ongoing, non-debilitating pain. In some ways, the lessons we have learned about physical pain correlate all too well to the types of pain that we technical people are involved with daily. But there is a huge difference, even if […]
Poor data quality significantly hinders large enterprises from deriving meaningful value. The variety of data is a crucial factor to account for when assessing & rectifying data quality, as diverse data types introduce unique challenges in maintaining accuracy and consistency. Good data quality and integrity are essential for accurate insights, good decision-making, and potential success of large enterprises. Inconsistent, incomplete, and inaccurate data significantly affect business operations, customer satisfaction, and financial performance. SQL provides robust functions to proactively identify and resolve these data quality issues, ensuring accurate, reliable, and consistent data for reporting and analysis.
Steve has a few thoughts on becoming more effective. This involves more than just becoming a better coder.
In this document I will share an overview of Oracle’s architecture that isn’t complete, but it will give you a basic understanding of how the architecture works, especially if you are coming from other database platforms.
Most of us don't work on budgets, but we are affected by them. Is it a good idea for IT management to use AI to help plan their budgets? Steve has a few thoughts today.
By Steve Jones
I started a short thread on Twitter/X and Bluesky recently after leaving the Tesla...
By Steve Jones
Life gets better as you replace transactions with relationships. – from Excellent Advice for...
I’ve been putting together a new PostgreSQL session called “Performance Monitoring for the Absolute...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Understanding Bit Manipulation Functions: BIT_COUNT,...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Mixed Backups
Hello, I ran below statements in MS SQL, and got error, but fine in...
I have a complex database with a few filegroups and files. Can I run a backup command like this? (assume file/filegroup names are valid).
BACKUP DATABASE [complex] FILE = N'thirdone' , FILE = N'thirdtwo' , FILEGROUP = N'second' TO DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL16.SQL2022\MSSQL\Backup\complex.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'complex-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10 GOSee possible answers