Different ways to Convert a SQL INT Value into a String Value
I need to convert an integer to a string value, what options are available in Microsoft SQL Server with T-SQL scripts and stored procedures?
I need to convert an integer to a string value, what options are available in Microsoft SQL Server with T-SQL scripts and stored procedures?
In this article, we are going to learn the basics of SQL unit testing and how to write a SQL unit test through the tSQLt framework.
2024-01-09 (first published: 2023-09-08)
Learn how to replace text in SQL Server strings using the REPLACE and TRANSLATE functions and how these could be used for data manipulation.
Learn about the SQL Server .WRITE function along with how to use this to update data in VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX), and VARBINARY(MAX) data types.
Learn about the SELECT DISTINCT SQL command to return a unique list of values from SELECT queries along with several examples.
Learn how to build conditional logic when writing SQL code using IF, BEGIN, END, ELSE, and ELSEIF logic.
In this tip we look at the impact of running SQL Server processes in smaller batches instead of one large operation.
Step-by-step guide to solve the "INSERT EXEC cannot be nested" problem by using a CLR when unit testing stored procedures using the tSQLt framework.
34,480 reads
In this short article, see how a unit test can be easily written in tsqlt, and how this can help us refactor or build better code.
2022-05-30 (first published: 2019-09-24)
15,431 reads
By Steve Jones
One of the things that I’ve been asked in every operations situation is what...
By Brian Kelley
If you are an introvert like me, events like the PASS Summit can call...
By kleegeek
On October 2nd and 3rd, I took part in an amazing event called AI...
Hello everyone, I’ve developed an SSIS process to compare two relatively large tables. When...
Good afternoon, I have an SSIS package which loads raw records into a sheet...
The setup: 3 tables: core_users, core_roles, and core_user_roles. core users is the "base" table,...
I am building an ETL process between these tables in SQL Server 2022 set to 160 compatibility level:
CREATE TABLE Image_Staging ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Image_StagingPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagebinary IMAGE); GO CREATE TABLE Images ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ImagesPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagemodified DATETIME , imagebinary IMAGE); GOI want to run this query to check if the images already loaded exist. This will help me decide if I need to insert or update an image. What happens with this query?
SELECT i.imageid FROM dbo.Image_Staging AS ist INNER JOIN dbo.Images AS i ON ist.imagebinary = i.imagebinary;See possible answers