SQLServerCentral Article

Getting The Most Out of SQL Server 2005 UDTs and UDAs

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The CLR integration in SQL Server 2005 greatly expands on the capabilities of the SQL Server platform. One new area is the ability to build user-defined types and user-defined aggregates. Solomon Rutzky brings us a way to get around some of the limitations in this area with his SQL# toolkit.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Using CLR integration to compress BLOBs/CLOBs in SQL Server 2005

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Working with large objects, BLOBs in SQL Server, has always been a little tedious. The forums are filled with questions on this topic. New authro Yoel Martinez brings us a more advanced looked at BLOBs in SQL Server 2005 with code and a technique for compressing large amounts of data to save space.

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2008-01-11 (first published: )

8,733 reads

Technical Article

CLR Inside Out

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This article is meant to explore these architectural issues from the bottom up, and aims to guide you through this new world. In the long run, new programming models are likely to appear that will abstract away a lot of the challenges you will encounter.


2,929 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Creating a generic audit trigger with SQL 2005 CLR

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Auditing is becoming more important all the time for DBAs as regulations and requirements increase. Building auditing into your systems can be done a number of ways, but with SQL Server 2005, you have a new option. New author David Ziffer brings us a generic auditing CLR trigger.

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