Thom Andrews

"Database Administrator" for a small Insurance Broker in England.

I use the quotes as, being a small business, although my role is called Database Administrator, you often need to be a jack of all trades for small companies. As a result I have exposure to Network Administration, Web Development, and some server maintenance (mainly the Ubuntu servers at the office); so although I'm not trained I've had to assist enough times to know what I'm looking for or at (which greatly helps when a problem isn't SQL Server based).

SQL Server enthusiast, however, little to no experience on with any other RDBMS. Linux and Windows user, with VB.Net experience, and enjoy to dabble in PoSH and Bash. I can read C#, it is a .Net language after all, but I'm hopeless at writing it; for some reason it's always escaped my grasp. I can't even blame it on the compulsory semi-colons as (one day) they'll be compulsory in T-SQL too (bring it on SQL Server 2037!).


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We Stink!

By Grant Fritchey

Comments posted to this topic are about the item We Stink!

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By krypto69

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Question of the Day

Internal Checkpoints

Certain internal SQL Server actions cause internal checkpoints. Which of these actions does not cause an internal checkpoint?

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