Grant Fritchey

Grant Fritchey is a SQL Server MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT including time spent in support and development. Grant has worked with SQL Server since version 6.0 back in 1995. He has developed in VB, VB.Net, C# and Java. Grant has authored books for Apress and Simple-Talk, and joined Red Gate as a Product Advocate in January 2011. Find Grant on Twitter @GFritchey or on his blog as the Scary DBA.

SQLServerCentral Editorial

You Never Know

I'm writing this sitting at the PASS Data Community Summit. It's been a fantastic event. I gave a community session on Azure DevOps. I was able to help Redgate launch a new product. I've received a bunch of hugs from VERY dear old friends. I've met a ton of people. It's been great. Allow me […]

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68 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Celebrate THEIR Accomplishments

I can't hide this in any way. I love it when I accomplish something. It's such a great feeling. Even more than that, I really do love getting some acknowledgement for it. Almost as good, is when I see others, especially friends and acquaintances, doing well. So many people I know, regularly just knock it […]

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49 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Gentlest of Reminders, Don't Stop Learning

I was on the road for just over two weeks. I was able to travel around to a few places and present some sessions. But, better than that, thanks to SQL Konferenz, I was able to go to a couple of sessions and learn some stuff. I'm lucky/cursed in my position at Redgate. We have […]

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91 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Be Prepared

I've been reading about the fires in Maui and the horrible loss of life there. My heart goes out to all involved. I hope, if you can, you donate to a good charity to help those poor people. It also inspired me to do another check on our emergency supplies and equipment. No, we don't […]

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93 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Keep Sharing

I was given a little reward the other day. My son came home telling me that the manufacturing company he works for wants to build some custom test equipment using Arduino-style controller chips. I've been experimenting, pretty darned lightly so far, with these over the last year. He starts asking me about which controllers I […]

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65 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial


The difference between a low trust society (few individuals within a trust circle outside your family and/or tribe) and a high trust society (general trust of individuals beyond immediate family/tribe associations) generally speaking can be measured as the difference between a low tech (low trust) and high tech (high trust) society. Yes, exceptions abound, but […]

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97 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial


I've found myself to be very distracted this week. Concentration on the task at hand has proven to be a challenge. I'm pretty sure the cause is that I just came off of three weeks of travel, which can be exhausting. Concentration, like so many things in life, requires energy. No energy, no concentration. So, […]

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101 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Keeping Things Running

Today and tomorrow, as I write this, the Green Country Hamfest will be running up in Claremore, OK. Tomorrow morning, I'll be there to check out the tables and maybe pick up some new radio gear. I'll also be volunteering to help run the doors. Largely it involves just checking to be sure people paid […]

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69 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Sources of Inspiration

I honestly enjoy writing editorials. Something pops into my tiny brain next to something else, and I'm off. However, today, as I started to write on the topic of learning, I suddenly felt like I had just written this same editorial. I go and look, sure enough, several of my recent editorials have been on […]

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2023-03-12 (first published: )

81 reads


T-SQL Tuesday #174: Job Interview Questions


Once upon a time, I used to think of difficult technical questions to ask...

Power BI: Refreshable Excel Files in PBI Service


Ever since Excel made its debut in the 1980’s, it has been used as...

T-SQL Tuesday #174: Your Favorite Job Interview Question


My blog has been quiet lately. I recently wrapped up a master’s program (more...

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SSIS Connecting to Azure SQL Managed Instance w/ MFA

By tjcavins

We've been testing out Azure SQL Managed Instance and created SSIS packages to run...

Summarizing Raw Sales Data with Group Summaries and Final Summary

By Paul Stasny

Greetings, I need to transform data returned in a query from several tables as...

Subscription to Oracle DB not working after upgrading subscriber to Oracle 19c

By rpalani65sql

Hi Replication and publisher configured on the same sql server 2022 version. Subscription to...

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The Query Traceflag

If I want to enable a trace flag for a specific query, how do I do it?

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