SQLServerCentral Editorial

Be Prepared


I've been reading about the fires in Maui and the horrible loss of life there. My heart goes out to all involved. I hope, if you can, you donate to a good charity to help those poor people.

It also inspired me to do another check on our emergency supplies and equipment. No, we don't have some secret bunker to which we're going to retreat when the zombiepocalypse finally hits. But history has shown that it's not crazy to have a few extra bits set aside. Food & water of course, some kind of shelter, flashlight, some batteries for that and maybe a spare phone charger, first aid of course, all worth having on hand. Also, put it all in one place so you can find it quickly. It's not a bad idea to introduce yourself to the neighbors so you can check on them, and they can check on you in an emergency. Finally, if you add equipment to your stash, water purifier or a fire starter, or, like me, a radio or two, be sure you've practiced using that equipment so you know how.

When bad things happen, you're the first person on the spot, so, may as well be as ready as you can be. The last few years have shown, a little preparation is a good thing. The Scout Motto is pretty simple but says it all: Be Prepared.


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