SQLServerCentral Editorial

Keep Sharing


I was given a little reward the other day. My son came home telling me that the manufacturing company he works for wants to build some custom test equipment using Arduino-style controller chips. I've been experimenting, pretty darned lightly so far, with these over the last year. He starts asking me about which controllers I think are going to help him the most. My immediate response is "What the heck do I know about it. I'm still barely learning." His response, my reward, "Well, you know, an expert is a person who is one page ahead of you in a book."

Yeah, I taught him that.

My editorial today then is, keep sharing. You really never know when the stuff you put out there is going bear fruit. Just because it seems like people aren't listening, they may well be. You are providing help, guidance, insight, as you share. Whether it's in formal settings like a presentation at a conference, answering questions on the forums here at SQL Server Central, taking part in the #sqlhelp or #pghelp hash tags, or just chatting with some colleagues, your sharing is influencing people. Please, keep it up.

If you feel like you don't have anything to share, well, I'm here to tell you that you do. It may not be as much as the next person. It may not be some huge, powerful insight that changes the course of nations. It could be as little as sharing some positivity when someone is having a rough day. You can, and do, influence those around you all the time, whether you know it or not. So, as much as you can, try to direct it and make that influence a positive, helpful, force.

As they say, every little bit helps. Share, keep sharing, start sharing. And thank you!


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