Azure cosmos DB

SQLServerCentral Article

Quick and Effective Migration Between CosmosDB Collections Using ADF

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This document aims to explain the process of using ADF (Azure data Factory) to make a copy of a Cosmos DB (Instance A)  collection into a new collection in another Cosmos DB Instance effectively and cost effectively. For example, here is our  Instance A in the Data Explorer: Here is Instance B: We are looking […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Azure Cosmos DB – HTAP using Azure Synapse Link

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In this article, we will explore the HTAP capabilities of Cosmos DB. The goal is to derive real-time insights from transactional changes made to Cosmos DB, in a cost-effective manner with minimal overhead. I want the solution to be scalable, reliable and overall simple to maintain.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Analyze Azure Cosmos DB data using Synapse Link and Power BI

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Introduction In my last article, Using Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB , I discussed creating the Synapse Link to query data present in Azure Cosmos DB from my Synapse workspace. Here, I will create a new database in the serverless SQL pool and create views based on the Cosmos DB JSON files. Then, I will […]

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Technical Article

Powershell Script - Azure cosmos DB(SQL API)

  • Script

Scripts contains 4 following functions. Users can create 3 different script from this for inserting, fetching and deleting a document.
1. Function Generate-MasterKeyAuthorizationSignature - This function is used to create connection to Azure cosmos DB. This function codes were taken from Technet.
2. Function Post-CosmosDb - Insert single document in azure cosmos DB. Same function can be used to perform bulkinsert. This function code was taken from following article. To make it useful i made some modification in it.
3. Function Get-CosmosDocument - Fetch single document from azure cosmos DB. Same function can be used to fetch all documents from Cosmos DB.
4. Function Delete-CosmosDbDocument - Delete single document from cosmos DB. Same function can be used to delete more than one document with some additional codes.

To use any of the function like Post,Get, Delete. you have to comment the other 2 function call. If you are using all 3 functions(Post,Get, Delete), Be cautious while using them.

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2020-05-11 (first published: )

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