Technical Article

What is the difference between SET and SELECT?

Both SET and SELECT can be used to assign values to variables. But when to or when not to use SET or SELECT? Or does it matter? This articles shows you how SET and SELECT are different in various scenarios, along with examples. You will also find a test script that you can run, to identify the performance differences between SET and SELECT

Technical Article

SQL Server Web Data Administrator

The Web Data Administrator is a utility program implemented in ASP.NET that enables you to easily manage your SQL Server data wherever you are. Using its built-in features, you can do the following from Internet Explorer or your favorite Web browser:

Create and edit databases in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE)
Perform ad-hoc queries against databases and save them to your file system
Export and import database schema and data

SQLServerCentral Article

Worst Practice - Triggering External Events

Andy Warren started his worst practice series some time ago with the intention of looking at the worst things you can do. Given that we may not always be able to implement the best practices, at least we can try to avoid doing things harm the system or decrease performance. This article continues the series and looks at an item I see mentioned in our discussion forum quite often, triggering external events. From a trigger.


A New Word: Vicarous


vicarous – adj. curious to know what someone else would do if they were...

SQL Server Cross Platform Availability Groups and Kubernetes


Say we have a database that we want to migrate a copy of into...

Using Managed Identities with Azure SQL DB


We are trying to get apps and users off of using SQL accounts to...

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We Stink!

By Grant Fritchey

Comments posted to this topic are about the item We Stink!

View works for me ...but doesn't return results for a user in SSMS but no errors

By krypto69

Hi I have this view to check if a job is running:   SELECT...

Dark mode, other color schemes

By mjdemaris

All, if you are like me and do not care for the built-in color...

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Question of the Day

Internal Checkpoints

Certain internal SQL Server actions cause internal checkpoints. Which of these actions does not cause an internal checkpoint?

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