Randy starts a multiple part series on tuning queries. We've asked Randy to really start from scratch and walk through the process. This week he takes a look at viewing query plans in Query Analyzer.
2019-11-11 (first published: 2003-08-19)
25,895 reads
In this article Randy Dyness shows you how to avoid temp tables whenever to maximize the performance of your queries.
2017-08-18 (first published: 2002-04-09)
69,556 reads
Building high performance applications with SQL Server can be a challenge if you do not understand how the query processor works and how the server uses indexes. SQL Server expert Randy Dyess brings a look at how bookmark lookups are used when satisfying a query and how this can impact the performance of your query.
2008-07-18 (first published: 2005-05-30)
38,845 reads