Additional Articles

Technical Article

Performance Comparison: Data Access Techniques

Architectural choices for data access affect performance, scalability, maintainability, and usability. This article focuses on the performance aspects of these choices by comparing relative performance of various data access techniques, including Microsoft® ADO.NET Command, DataReader, DataSet, and XML Reader in common application scenarios with a Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 database.


2,857 reads

Technical Article

AdeptSQL Workshop released

Adept SQL Tools has released AdeptSQL Workshop, an IDE for SQL-based database schema creation and management. Includes fast drag'n'drop SQL decompiler, editor, preprocessor, SQL analyzer and difference engine, "revision history" scripts with a separate player utility for remote db deployment, integration with MS Visual SourceSafe. Pricing starts at $130,
$199 with VSS support.


3,342 reads

Technical Article

SQL Server Beta Programs!

SQL Server is releasing two Beta products this month, a 64-bit version of SQL Server 2000 and service pack 4 for SQL Server 7.0! Note: Liberty requires that customers have access to 64-bit machines. Participating in a SQL Server Beta program can be a lot of fun, with contests, promotions, newsgroup support with members of the SQL team at Microsoft, etc. Come sign up today!


3,269 reads

Technical Article

Support WebCast: How to Connect to Analysis Services over the Internet

See how to configure and troubleshoot an HTTP connection to Analysis Services over both the Internet and an intranet. We will show you how to configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), and discuss the different security options for IIS in regard to Analysis Services. We will also talk about the client connection string and performance issues that may arise while using the HTTP connection.


1,215 reads


A Couple Quick GENERATE_SERIES Tests


I had someone reach out about generate_series() recently, saying they hadn’t realized this was...

How I passed the DP-700 Exam


I recently took and passed the DP-700 exam, which is required for the Microsoft...

Which approach to take: Build it, buy it, cloud it?


As a Consultant, I would typically answer with – it depends! Then a typical...

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Dynamic T-SQL Script Parameterization Using Python

By omu

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Dynamic T-SQL Script Parameterization Using...

How to Download and Restore AdventureWorks 2019 Database

By Noman072

Comments posted to this topic are about the item How to Download and Restore...

Tracking Table Sizes

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Tracking Table Sizes

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Counting Bits IV

What does this code return in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count(2.4)

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