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Technical Article

AdeptSQL Workshop released

Adept SQL Tools has released AdeptSQL Workshop, an IDE for SQL-based database schema creation and management. Includes fast drag'n'drop SQL decompiler, editor, preprocessor, SQL analyzer and difference engine, "revision history" scripts with a separate player utility for remote db deployment, integration with MS Visual SourceSafe. Pricing starts at $130,
$199 with VSS support.


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Technical Article

SQL Server Beta Programs!

SQL Server is releasing two Beta products this month, a 64-bit version of SQL Server 2000 and service pack 4 for SQL Server 7.0! Note: Liberty requires that customers have access to 64-bit machines. Participating in a SQL Server Beta program can be a lot of fun, with contests, promotions, newsgroup support with members of the SQL team at Microsoft, etc. Come sign up today!


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Technical Article

Support WebCast: How to Connect to Analysis Services over the Internet

See how to configure and troubleshoot an HTTP connection to Analysis Services over both the Internet and an intranet. We will show you how to configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), and discuss the different security options for IIS in regard to Analysis Services. We will also talk about the client connection string and performance issues that may arise while using the HTTP connection.


1,215 reads

SQLServerCentral Article Launches its New Contest!

Is your budget tight this year? Be the user who enriches the SQL Server community the most and receive the top prize of a full version of Lumigent's Log Explorer (a $995 value!). You could also win an Apress prize pack or a T-SQL Solutions subscription. Any user who helps to build the SQL Server community by submitting a script, posting in the forum or posting an original FAQ is eligible.

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Grinding Away: Mary Spender


A few years ago I stumbled on this video and loved it. That led...

PASS Summit 2024 – A new experience


I attended the PASS Data Community Summit held in Seattle in person this year...

How to Learn SQL Without Quitting Your Day Job


Juggling meetings, deadlines, and family? Yeah, learning SQL might seem like climbing Mount Everest...

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The AG Secondary Logs

What happens when an AG secondary receives a log record from the primary?

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