Free SQL Server 2000 Encryption for your data!!! Author Michael Coles has put together a tolljit and some XPs that you can use to encrypt your data with the Blowfish algorithm. It is hard to write good applications that encrpyt data and manage the keys and security. This will give you a great headstart on protecting your data.
2018-10-10 (first published: 2005-07-21)
78,758 reads
SQL Server 2005 builds some great encryption tools into the product, but what if you are stuck with SQL Server 2000? SQL Server expert Michael Coles brings us the first part of a series along with a free toolkit to manage encryption and keys.
2013-04-18 (first published: 2006-04-13)
31,380 reads
Implementing searching in your database is always a challenge and MVP Michael Coles brings us a method of building a Google-like search for SQL Server.
2010-05-31 (first published: 2008-10-07)
95,310 reads
Are you taking care of yourself as an IT professional? We try to cover all aspects of your SQL Server career here, not just the technical stuff. Longtime SQL Server guru Michael Coles brings us some health tips in an interview with Dr. Jerry Sanders
2008-05-23 (first published: 2007-07-02)
9,779 reads
Working with NULL functions can be tricky in T-SQL and SQL Server 2000. If you add in aggregates, you need to be sure you understand what the behavior will be or you might report incorrect values to a user. Michael Coles has written a new article that talks about how NULL affects your results.
2008-04-04 (first published: 2005-07-05)
105,765 reads
In SQL Server 2000 or any relational database, the concept of NULL can be both confusing and hazardess to your employment. Not understanding how to work with NULLs can lead to incorrect responses to queries and poor business decisions being made. New author Michael Coles brings us four rules that can help you work with NULL values in your tables.
2008-03-28 (first published: 2005-06-27)
94,650 reads
SQL injection has been a hot topic the last couple years and there are some great articles at on this topic. Michael Coles brings us an updated look at this SQL Server security issue with some new examples you might not have previously thought.
2008-03-21 (first published: 2005-09-21)
84,994 reads
Longtime SQL Server expert Michael Coles brings us the second part of his his introductory look at XML in SQL Server 2005 with a short examination of XQuery, the way in which you can write queries on XML data.
2008-01-31 (first published: 2007-02-20)
22,195 reads
Dealing with NULL data is something that often confuses new SQL Server developers, but even experienced DBAs might not understand all the intricacies of NULL operations. In a follow up to his highly acclaimed Four Rules of Null article, Michael Coles brings us a few new
tricks with NULLs.
2008-01-25 (first published: 2007-02-26)
39,146 reads
SQL Server 2005 has greatly expanded the capabilities of SQL Server in many different areas. One of those that has matured greatly is the integration of XML data inside SQL Server. Longtime writer and guru Michael Coles brings us the first part of a two part series on XML ion SLQ Server 2005.
2008-01-24 (first published: 2007-02-19)
13,180 reads