In part one Chris Kempster covered a variety of security recommendations primarily for production systems. In Part two of this series he continues to explore security at a variety of levels where you may not realize you are vulnerable.
2019-10-04 (first published: 2004-01-30)
35,388 reads
This article by Chris Kempster covers a wide variety of areas concerned with data migration. Primarily, it focuses on process, standards and some of the many issues to consider when undertaking this role.
2017-08-23 (first published: 2004-03-24)
56,735 reads
This article by Chris Kempster shows you how to quickly move a database by detaching or taking a database offline.
2008-02-08 (first published: 2004-05-18)
148,275 reads
In this series of articles, Chris Kempster will discuss some of the finer aspects of SQL Server security and also touch on OS, physical and application security to open up this science for general discussion.
2007-10-02 (first published: 2002-01-14)
50,574 reads