Insensitivity: A Good Technique?
This article explores the place of emotion among knowledge workers doing team-based design activities.
171 reads
This article explores the place of emotion among knowledge workers doing team-based design activities.
171 reads
Bill Nicolich uses T-SQL to look at the community participation of people at SQLServerCentral.
1,571 reads
A technique from Bill Nicolich that allows you to target columns by data type for the same custom expression and easily build complex queries.
8,622 reads
Through a circuitous route, I encountered a meaningful, thought-provoking quote lately: "... the best way to predict the future is to...
1,676 reads
A colleague of mine pointed out a great podcast called This American Life - specifically an episode with John Hodgman (the...
1,076 reads
Despite the down economy, the 2009 PASS Summit attendance was down only 8% compared to the 15% of other conferences...
371 reads
When deciding what to learn, there's a binary decision. Will you focus on a strength or a weakness? I think many people focus mostly on their strengths because they have a goal of really standing out in something. They perhaps want to avoid being..
1,577 reads
A colleague pointed out a site that collects a lot of job posting data and exposes graphs - so I've taken...
4,330 reads
I think the database developer role is on the rise and that it's better suited for agile practices - but guidance...
3,345 reads
The 70-433 will be my first Microsoft certification test. There are two main reasons why I've decided to take on this quest. The first reason is to "fill in the cracks." Even on fundamental topics I've found myself saying "oh
4,391 reads
By Rob Sewell
The partner directory connects your agency with new customers.
I had an excellent group of people in Gothenburg Sweden when I taught there...
By Steve Jones
How can I quickly get a CU patch for a system that’s out of...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item GIT Configuration and Automated Release...
If you’re looking for a trustworthy source of India phone numbers for your marketing...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Concat Addition
What is the result of this code?
SELECT CONCAT(1, 2, 3) + 4See possible answers