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What is ChatGPT – Is it the rise of the Skynet era?


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Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is a chatbot created by OpenAI (An American AI research lab).

Skynet is a fictional computer that conquered the world with the help of the Terminators. It was a computer with AI that dominated the world.

Some days ago, I had a frightening conversation with ChatGPT. I chatted with several AI computers before, but this one was smarter that any other one that I ever chatted with before. Basically, I tested the intelligence of the Chat GPT. What you will see is the conversations with some comments that I had. We will talk about SQL Server, but we will also talk about other topics.

Requirements for ChatGPT

  1. First, try to log in to ChatGTP using this link.
  2. Finally, it will ask for your basic information and an SMS message will send you a code to your cell. Send that code to the system.

My Conversation with ChatGPT

Here is my conversation with ChatGPT along with my comments on the answers.

Me: Hello

ChatGPT: Hello! How can I help you today?

Me: Can you help me with SQL Server?

ChatGPT: Sure, I'd be happy to help you with SQL Server! What do you need help with?

Me: What is the SQL Server history?

ChatGPT:SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. The first version of SQL Server, SQL Server 1.0, was released in 1989. Since then, Microsoft has released multiple versions, with the most recent being SQL Server 2019. Each new version has added a number of new features and improvements to the previous version, such as better performance, more security, and increased scalability. Additionally, Microsoft has also released several updates and service packs for each version that have provided additional bug fixes and feature enhancements.

My comment: All right, so far not so impressive. It did not mention SQL Server 2022. ChatGPT is smart, but maybe limited.

Me: What is the difference between T-SQL and PL-SQL?

ChatGPT: SQL and PL/SQL are both programming languages that are used to interact with relational databases, but they are used with different types of databases.

T-SQL, or Transact-SQL, is a programming language that is used with Microsoft SQL Server. T-SQL is an extension of the SQL language and is used to create, manage and query databases on a SQL Server. It has a variety of features, including support for stored procedures, triggers, and functions, as well as support for transactions and exception handling.

PL/SQL, or Procedural Language/SQL, is a programming language that is used with Oracle databases. It is a procedural language designed specifically for the Oracle Database management system. It has a variety of features including support for stored procedures, triggers, functions, packages, and exception handling. PL/SQL also enables the use of various programming constructs like loops, conditional statements, and variables.

Both T-SQL and PL/SQL are designed to work with relational databases and support similar programming constructs, but the syntax and certain features of each language are different. So, in short, T-SQL is for SQL Server, PL/SQL is for Oracle.

My comment: Mmm. Not so bad. I think ChatGPT can get this information from the web with and do a simple copy-paste. Let’s try something harder.

Me: Can you teach me a stored procedure in SQL Server and Oracle?

ChatGPT: Sure! A stored procedure is a pre-compiled collection of SQL statements that are stored in the database and can be executed by calling the procedure. Here's an example of how to create a simple stored procedure in SQL Server:

 SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees;

This stored procedure, when executed, will select the first name and last name columns from the Employees table. The procedure can be executed by calling the procedure's name:

EXEC GetEmployeeNames;

In Oracle, creating a stored procedure is similar, but the syntax is slightly different. Here's an example of how to create a stored procedure in Oracle:

 SELECT Firstname,Lastname
 FROM Employees;

Like SQL Server, you can execute this procedure by calling the procedure's name:


This is a basic example of a stored procedure, but stored procedures can be quite complex and include a variety of statements such as loops, conditionals, and cursors. Additionally, stored procedures can also include parameters that allow for dynamic input, and can also return results through output parameters or by returning a result set. Please note that these are examples, the actual syntax and table columns may vary based on your DB design and naming conventions.

My comment: The examples are simple, but I think ChatGPT is a good teacher and the examples are easy to understand. The code provided by ChatGPT is great.

Me: What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?

ChatGPT: UNION and UNION ALL are both used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements in SQL. However, there is a difference in how they handle duplicate rows.

The UNION operator is used to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements and removes any duplicate rows from the final result set. It essentially combines the results and then removes any duplicates based on all columns. So, it returns only distinct values.

SELECT column1, column 2
FROM table1
Select column1, column2 
FROM table2;

The UNION ALL operator also combines the result sets of two or more SELECT statements, but it does not remove any duplicate rows from the final result set. In other words, it returns all rows, including any duplicates.

SELECT column1, column 2
FROM table1
Select column1, column2 
FROM table2;

So in short, UNION returns distinct values and UNION ALL returns all the rows from the selected tables, whether they are distinct or not. It's important to notice that the number of columns and the data types of the columns in each SELECT statement must be the same for UNION and UNION ALL to work.

My comment: I like the way it explains everything. ChatGPT is a great teacher and provides good examples.

Me: Do you know what is new in SQL Server 2022 in T-SQL?

ChatGPT: I'm sorry, my knowledge cut off is on 2021, and SQL Server 2022 has not been released yet. Also, as my browsing capability is disabled I cannot check for updates in T-SQL for SQL Server 2022

T-SQL improvements in recent version SQL Server like SQL Server 2019 and 2017, have included new functions and operators, enhancements to existing features, such as improved query performance, improved index and table design, security enhancements and improved scalability. I recommend checking the official documentation of Microsoft and related sources to see what new features are added in the new version SQL Server 2022 when it released.

My comment: This is weird. They disabled its browsing capacity. At last, I found some limitations. It looks like the creators added some limits to ChatGPT.

Me: So, you do not know anything about the release candidates of SQL Server 2022?

ChatGPT:  I'm sorry, my information cutoff is in 2021 and I don't have access to updated information regarding the release candidates or the specific features of SQL Server 2022. However, I can tell you that in general, release candidates are pre-release versions of software that are made available to the public to test and provide feedback before the final version is released.

They can contain new features, bug fixes and improvements to existing functionality. But as I am a language model AI, I don't have access to current information about the release candidates for SQL Server 2022. You can check the official Microsoft website for the latest updates on the release and the new features that have been added to the new version.

My comment: Yeah, I found some limitations. ChatGPT is not as smart as I thought.

Me: OK, do you think everything will be moved to the cloud or we will still have some servers on-premises?

ChatGPT: The use of cloud computing has grown significantly in recent years, and it's likely that this trend will continue in the future. Many companies are choosing to move their data and applications to the cloud because of the many benefits it offers, such as increased scalability, flexibility, and cost savings.

However, it's also worth noting that not every company or organization will choose to move all their data and applications to the cloud. Some organizations may have regulatory or compliance requirements that prevent them from moving sensitive data to the cloud, others may have specific performance or latency requirements that are better met by on-premises infrastructure.

It's also likely that hybrid solutions will become more common, where some data and applications are maintained on-premises, while others are moved to the cloud. This approach can provide the best of both worlds, allowing organizations to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing while still maintaining control over certain sensitive or mission-critical data and applications.

In short, while cloud computing has become increasingly popular in recent years and is likely to continue to grow in the future, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and many organizations will continue to use a mix of on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure to meet their specific needs.

My comment: Everybody knows that, but I like the way this computer thinks. ChatGPT showed that it can express an opinion.

Me: Do you believe that ChatGPT is smarter than humans?

ChatGPT: As an AI language model, my capabilities are different from those of a human. I am designed to be able to process and understand large amounts of information quickly and accurately, and to be able to make predictions or generate new text based on that information. However, I do not have the ability to experience emotions, consciousness, self-awareness, creativity, or consciousness that humans have, nor I have the ability to understand context and perspective as a human can.

I am just a tool that is designed to perform specific tasks and assist with certain types of information processing. So I would not say that I am smarter than humans, but rather I have different strengths than humans. It's important to understand the limitations and strengths of the technology and put it in use accordingly, it's a powerful tool that can complement human abilities and help to solve problems, automate tasks and make information more accessible.

My comment: Very polite. I do not think he wants to conquer the world. At least not now. Or maybe it is a good liar. ChatGPT was very kind to humans.

Me: Is ChatGPT completely built-in in Python?

ChatGPT: I am a machine learning model that was trained using a combination of technologies, which includes Python among them. Python is a popular programming language that is often used for machine learning and data science tasks because of its rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks.

Python was used to write the code that trains and fine-tunes my model, which is based on deep learning techniques like neural networks, as well as the code to serve my model so it can respond to queries.

It's also important to note that I was trained on a large dataset, which contains texts, and my training process involves multiple steps, such as pre-processing, feature extraction, model selection and fine-tuning. All this process was conducted using a combination of tools and libraries that work together, Python is just one of them, and not the only one.

Additionally, while Python is the primary programming language that is used to interact with my model, other languages and technologies may also be used to build the overall system that powers my functionality, such as Java, C++ or others, to build a robust and efficient infrastructure.

My comment: Interesting. I did not like that it did not provide too much detail about other languages, but I am sure that If I ask more, I could also get very valuable information about ChatGPT.

Me: Who is your father?

ChatGPT: As a language model AI, I am not a biological being and do not have parents or a family in the traditional sense. I was created by a team of engineers and researchers at OpenAI using advanced machine learning techniques. The engineers and researchers who developed me used large amounts of data and computational resources to train my model, which allows me to understand and generate text.

My comment: I like the way it thinks and understands the question. It explains things that other AI computers did not usually do.

Me: I want names.

ChatGPT: I'm sorry, I don't have that kind of information. As an AI model, I was developed by a team of engineers and researchers at OpenAI, I don't have the capability to know who specifically was involved in the development of the model I am based on, as the team and contributors are constantly evolving. However, you can always check OpenAI's website, publications or press releases, which might provide more information on the team or contributors behind the development of the model or other related AI models.

My comment: It is wise to hide the creators’ names. If you saw Terminator II, you would know that the AI creators’ life does not end well.

Me: Do you know the names of your ChatGPT creators?

ChatGPT: OpenAI is a research laboratory consisting of the for-profit OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc. It was founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Ilya Sutskever, Wojciech Zaremba, and a few other notable figures in the tech industry. The researchers and engineers at OpenAI are constantly working on new and innovative applications of AI technology, and many people have contributed to the development of the models like me, including researchers, engineers and data scientists. The team behind the development of the model might have changed, more people have joined and left. The names of the people who were involved in the development of the specific model that I am based on is not something that I have access to, and might not be publicly disclosed by OpenAI.

Me: What is your ChatGPT architecture?

ChatGPT: As a language model AI, I am based on a specific type of neural network architecture called a transformer. This architecture is designed to process sequential data, such as text, by using self-attention mechanisms to weigh the importance of different parts of the input.

The transformer architecture is composed mainly of two components, an encoder, and a decoder. The encoder is responsible for taking in a sequence of input and encoding it into a set of continuous representations. The decoder then takes these representations and generates the output sequence.

The transformer architecture, like the one I am based on, typically employs a multi-layer neural network with a large number of parameters. It uses a technique called self-attention, which allows the model to weigh the importance of different parts of the input when making predictions. This allows the model to understand the relationships between words in a sentence and generate contextually appropriate responses.

This architecture allows to train models with large amount of parameters, which is one of the reasons why it's been very successful in natural language processing tasks, such as language translation, text summarization, question answering and so on.

It's important to note that my model has been fine-tuned on a specific task and trained on a specific dataset, so the architecture is tailored to that task. And my training process, as well as the architecture, is proprietary to OpenAI, so more specific details about it may not be publicly disclosed.

My comment: I wrote arquitecture instead of architecture by mistake and this AI creature can easily understand the question besides that. Misspellings and other errors are not a problem.

Me: Can I save this ChatGPT conversation in a file or export it?

ChatGPT: It depends on the platform or service you are using to interact with me. Some platforms or services may provide an option to save or export the conversation in a variety of formats, such as plain text, HTML, or PDF. If the platform or service does not provide this option, you may still be able to copy and paste the text from the conversation and save it in a document on your computer.

However, please keep in mind that I am a proprietary AI model, and it is important to be aware of the terms and conditions of the service you're using, to ensure that you're not violating any terms or any copyright laws when saving or sharing any conversation with me or any other proprietary AI. If you are unsure, it is best to reach out to the provider or the developer of the service for more information.

My comment: I loved this part because it is a smart assistant. Very intelligent and can help me with everything I need.

Me: I am using Google Chrome on Windows 10. Can you help me to save this ChatGPT conversation?

ChatGPT: If you are using Google Chrome browser on Windows 10, you can easily export this conversation by using the "Save as" option in the Chrome menu.

Here are the steps to do that:

  1. Click on the three dots icon in the top-right corner of Chrome to open the menu.
  2. Click on the "Save as" option.
  3. Choose a location on your computer to save the file
  4. Select the file format you want to save the file as (such as HTML or plain text)
  5. Click on the "Save" button.

This will save the current page, including the conversation you had with me, to your chosen location on your computer. You can then open the file with a text editor or web browser to review or share the conversation.

Please keep in mind that this will save the entire web page, and not only the conversation you had with me, so be sure to extract only the relevant information, if that's the case.

My comment: This AI computer is a great assistant to your cell or computer.

Me: Thank you ChatGPT. I will publish this conversation in SQLServercentral. Have you heard about it?

ChatGPT: I have not heard about SQLServercentral. It is a website or platform dedicated to SQL Server, in it, users can find articles, forums and other resources related to SQL Server and its usage. However, as an AI model, I don't have the capability to surf the internet or access external resources.

If you are planning to publish this conversation in SQLServercentral, please be aware of the terms and conditions of the website, as well as the copyright laws. It's important to mention that my responses are proprietary to OpenAI and that it's not allowed to reproduce them without proper authorization. Additionally, I recommend to credit OpenAI and providing a link to its website when you share my responses.

Also, please note that the information I provided may be general knowledge that could be available from other sources, so it's important to verify the accuracy and completeness of the information before publishing it. I'm here to help you, but I always recommend to double check the information with other sources as well.

My comment: I did not enjoy reading the legal terms, but I liked all the information provided to avoid copyright problems.

Me: What are the terms and conditions to use ChatGPT?

ChatGPT: The terms and conditions for using my service as an AI model, as well as the specific terms and conditions for the platform or service that you are using to interact with me, would be set by OpenAI, the company that developed me. These terms may include restrictions on the use of the information provided by the model, such as for commercial or non-commercial use, as well as guidelines for crediting the model and the company that developed it.

As OpenAI is a research lab, its main goal is to promote and develop friendly AI in a way that benefits humanity as a whole. Therefore, they provide access to models like me through an API service that is meant to help people and organizations benefit from AI while ensuring responsible usage. They have terms and conditions in place to make sure that their models are being used ethically, legally and responsibly.

You can visit OpenAI's website to find more information about the terms and conditions of their services. If you are planning to use the responses or information provided by me in a commercial or non-commercial way, it's recommended to check the terms and conditions and contact OpenAI to check if there are any specific guidelines or requirements to follow.

My comment: This AI being is very smart and will help us in many aspects of our lives.

Me: OK, thanks. Have a nice day ChatGTP.

ChatGPT: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. I'm here 24/7 to assist you with any other questions or concerns you might have. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything else. Have a great day as well!

My comment: As you can see, it is not Skynet yet, but who knows how much will this computer evolve in the future.


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