
Technical Article

Microsoft return to PASS Summit 2024 as Sapphire sponsor

Get ready to meet Microsoft's experts on-site in the exhibit hall and in multiple educational sessions (including a pre-con, keynote and learning pathway). Watch a sneak peek of Microsoft's learning pathway 'Becoming an Azure SQL DBA – Advancing the Role of the On-Premises SQL Server DBA'

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SQLServerCentral Article

How to Add a New Shared Disk to a WSFC as a SQL Resource

Adding a new shared disk to Windows Server failover Cluster is not a complex process but special care must be taken when you want to use the new disk for any existing SQL Instance. In this article, we will show you all the required steps to add the disk to WSFC and then to properly assign it to an existing SQL role in the WSFC.

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Technical Article

Level up your learning in 2024 with PASS Data Community Summit

Connect, share and learn with the global data community in Seattle this November. Whether you're a DBA, Developer, Architect, Engineer or you're just getting started in your data career, there's a huge range of content for you to choose from (over 150 sessions and counting across 5 different tracks). Speakers this year include Steve Jones, Grant Fritchey, Ryan Booz, Bob Ward, Deepthi Goguri and Jennifer Stirrup. Check out the full program and register before September 18 to secure your ticket at the standard price.

2024-09-16 (first published: )

External Article

LIKE Constraints

In this article, I will cover a bit about the LIKE operator, including how it works, and a bit of history about why it is like it is. After establishing this, I will discuss a bit about how you can (and should) use the LIKE operator in your CHECK constraints to strengthen your data integrity.



T-SQL Tuesday #179: The Detective’s Toolkit


It’s time for the monthly T-SQL Tuesday blog party. This month a longtime friend,...

Moving T-SQL Tuesday to Jekyll


I got a message a few months back that Microsoft was deprecating the MySQL...

European Microsoft Fabric Community Conference announcements


A TON of new features announcements at the European Microsoft Fabric Community Conference help...

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By cooldude001

Hi, Azure SQL DB doesn't support CLR, if we have an application with CLR...

Steps to restore database which is part of Trans replication and Allwayson db

By bvjkishore.mssql

We have a Setup where replication and AG is configured as below. Servers:Node1,Node2 ==>Node1...

An error occurred while skipping data rows

By yrstruly

I am trying to build an ETL for an Existing Table. The ETL (SSIS)...

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Data Migration Assistant Targets

In the current (2024) version of the Data Migration Assistant, which on-premises targets are available?

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