SQLServerCentral Editorial

What Were Your 2021 Wins


LinkedIn sent me a prompt just before Christmas that asked me to write a post on my 2021 wins, using the #2021wins hashtag. I thought it was a neat idea, and I blogged on this topic before I left for my final vacation. I primarily had work items in there, though a couple of work-related things. To me, while 2021 was disappointing in some ways, it was still a great year for me in many ways, and I've tried to keep that in mind. Not focus on things that didn't go well but those that did.

It's the first week of the new year, and many of you are likely starting to look forward at work and in your career. You might have made resolutions, or maybe you are just re-focusing after the holidays. Either way, on this Friday I'd like you to think back to last year, focusing on how your career might have changed throughout the second year of the COVID pandemic.

What was a career win for you in 2021?

That's the question. It could be a change that you made, a skill you learned, a project you completed, maybe an award. Perhaps it was something that happened and you just experienced. Maybe an event or talk that inspired you or changed the outlook on something.

I'd like to think that all of you had at least one good thing happen in your career last year. Take a minute and share in your win and congratulate others for theirs.



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