SQLServerCentral Editorial

Sharing the Code


I don't know how many of you use the ScriptDOM. I haven't really used it, but was very impressed with Mala Mahadevan's Stairway Series on the topic. I have recommended this to a few customers that were looking for some complex code analysis features, which go beyond what SQL Prompt or SQL Fluff do.

I noticed this week that ScriptDom has been open sourced by Microsoft. The code is available on GitHub, which means you can fork it and change it. Or submit PRs. No idea if Microsoft will take them, but if you write solid, useful code, they might.

I like that more and more Microsoft is open-sourcing and sharing code that they write. Usually, their repos aren't for software they sell, but maybe they will change that at some point.

There are over 5000 repos in their account right now, including one for VSCode, which I use almost every day. While I don't plan on contributing or even bug-fixing, I bet some of you might. I might contribute to the docs, which I do regularly for the SQL Server docs. There are a lot of changes here, but there are a few marked way0utwest.

BTW, if you don't want to do your own PRs, send me a note. I'm happy to edit the docs and submit changes.

I am a fan of open-source projects, because I do think collaboration is useful in many situations. While I don't expect many people to actually make changes to software, some will. Some, like me, will correct docs, and others will find issues in the code and report them. All of those efforts help us improve software, and I am all for higher quality software.

Now if we could get Microsoft to open-source SSMS, maybe a few of you would find ways to improve that application.


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