SQLServerCentral Editorial

Picking a Goal for 2021


I know we're over a week into 2021, but I don't know how many of you made career resolutions for the new year. If you've made other New Years Resolutions, like getting more fitness or eating better this year, hopefully you are still adhering to them.

I wrote about how your company might look at your skills, and how you, personally, might do so. I do find it good to have some goals, and to work towards them. I am a big proponent of actively managing your career. I have tried to pick the positions and places I wanted to work with care, at least, after I learned it was important to me to do so. There are so many people that don't enjoy their work that I hope more people take an active role in pursuing something they enjoy. After all, we spend a lot of our time at work.

I set some goals each year, and then try to evaluate myself as to how I did. Last year I set goals late, but I did evaluate myself this past week on how I did. Spoiler, not well. I have myself a "C" for the year, on my internal A (outstanding) to F (failing) scale.

This year, I set some new, and slightly different goals, trying to learn from what worked and didn't work for my own life and career. I've got a post on my blog coming soon, but I did try to be more specific and choose some things to learn.

Today I'm wondering what you want to learn this year. Is there a skill or technology that you want to get better at? How will you know that you have achieved that goal?

It's fine if you don't have specific goals. If there is some topic that interests you, let me know. Just writing it down might inspire you to grow a little and drive your career forward.


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