Database Weekly

SQLServerCentral Editorial

The SQL Community Steps up in Time of Need

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Healthcare workers are some of the many heroes working bravely in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. To protect themselves and their patients, they must wear face masks during their entire shifts. This causes a great deal of ear irritation, so a strap was designed to make wearing the masks easier and alleviate pressure on […]

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127 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Now Is a Good Time for Choices

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The whole world is going through some interesting times. Chances are pretty high that you’re working from home and your principal interaction with others is through virtual means. I know I’m that way as is my company, Redgate Software. It can be challenging or rewarding, depending on how you go about it. What’s even more […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Azure Data Studio and Deployment Notebooks

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Azure Data Studio (ADS) is a cross-platform tool that you can use to run T-SQL queries much as you have done using SQL Server Management Studio. No, the databases do not need to be hosted in Azure; the tool works fine for on-premises SQL Servers as well. I’ve started using ADS more as I teach […]

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178 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

A New World of Data

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I started in the early days of SQL Server, when having a gigabyte of disk storage was unheard of, much less a gigabyte of RAM. My watch has more storage space than the mainframe we replaced with an early version of SQL Server years ago. The technical possibilities and amounts of data we are capable […]

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120 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Personal Power

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Because of my job with Redgate (which I love and will never leave even after I’m dead), I spend a lot of time learning about compliance and all the new laws and regulations coming out of things like the GDPR and the CCPA (they changed the name evidently). However, I’m a nerd. I’m not a […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Why Getting Data Right Matters

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An InfoWorld article from 2017 suggests that 80 percent of a data scientist’s job is cleaning and transforming data, and I believe this is probably only true for organizations that spend at least an average effort in designing and implementing their data storage. These persons who have trained to analyze data using complex math formulas […]

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Redgate Summit Comes to the Windy City


I love Chicago. I went to visit three times in 2023: a Redgate event,...

Non-Functional Requirements


I have found that non-functional requirements (NFRs) can be hard to define for a...

Techorama 2024 – Slides


You can find the slidedeck for my Techorama session “Microsoft Fabric for Dummies” on...

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Clear Trace - Asking for SQL Server 2008

By rameshbabu.chejarla

Hi, I have SQL Server 2019 installed and when go the Clear Trace database...

get all txt files $filenameAndPath = code please help

By juliava

Hello I need to get txt files from directory and send email, when I...

Always on Availability groups cluster question

By GreatPancake

Hello, I have a question regarding Availability group server architecture. A little background: We...

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Question of the Day

The "ORDER BY" clause behavior

Let’s consider the following script that can be executed without any error on both SQL Sever and PostgreSQL. We define the table t1 in which we insert three records:

create table t1 (id int primary key, city varchar(50));

insert into t1 values (1, 'Rome'), (2, 'New York'), (3, NULL);
If we execute the following query, how will the records be sorted in both environments?
select city

from t1

order by city;

See possible answers