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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Why Getting Data Right Matters

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An InfoWorld article from 2017 suggests that 80 percent of a data scientist’s job is cleaning and transforming data, and I believe this is probably only true for organizations that spend at least an average effort in designing and implementing their data storage. These persons who have trained to analyze data using complex math formulas […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

The New Year: A Chance to Start Over

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January 1st is the beginning of a new year thanks to Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII. This date is somewhat arbitrary, and many religions and cultures celebrate their own beginning of a new year at different times. Even though these celebrations don’t fall at the same time, I think the sentiment is similar. The […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

How SQL Server Can Just Go Faster

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It’s rare to get a call from a customer telling you that the application is fast today and thanks for taking such good care of the database. Instead, you are more likely to hear complaints when things go wrong like slow running queries and timeouts. There is a lot to consider when trying to figure […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

A Faster tempdb

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I like to call tempdb the “workhorse” of SQL Server. I’ve heard some other people call it other terms that were not so flattering, but since I like to keep things positive, I’ll stick with workhorse. SQL Server uses tempdb for many things. The obvious uses are temp tables and table variables, but tempdb is […]

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A New Word: Amoransia


amoransia – n. the melodramatic thrill of unrequited love; the longing to pine for...

The Data API Builder Start and Add Extensions in VS Code


One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...

Using OneLake for Excel Files in Microsoft Fabric


Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...

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Technical Pain Behaviors

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Technical Pain Behaviors

trying to call powershell from TSQL statement

By Siten0308

Hello, trying to call a powershell file I created, locally on the server, but...

Counting Bits

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Counting Bits

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Counting Bits

What does the BIT_COUNT function do in SQL Server?

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