
SQLServerCentral Article

The difference between BIN2 and Case-Sensitive collations in SQL

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Here you will learn about the key differences between the binary and SQL/Windows collations. You will see that even with all sensitivity flags enabled, SQL/Windows collation cannot behave the same way as the binary collations.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Change the Instance Collation by Rebuilding Databases in SQL Server 2017

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As a part of my DBA activities, I do a lot of SQL Server installations every week. Most of the time, I install the instance with the default collation. A collation is a configuration setting in SQL Server that determines how the database engine should read the data. SQL Server has huge list of collations […]

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2022-12-26 (first published: )

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External Article

Questions About SQL Server Collations You Were Too Shy to Ask

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Of course we all like our colleagues to think that we know everything there is to know about SQL Server Collations. However, the truth is that it is a rather complicated topic to fully understand and the cost of getting collation wrong can be great. If only one could ask certain questions on forums or at conferences without blushing. Help is at hand, because Robert Sheldon once again makes the complicated seem simple by answering those questions that you were too shy to ask.


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