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Live webinar - Prioritizing security: Essential strategies for IT leaders

In today's rapidly evolving landscape, managing the security of large and complex database estates is a critical challenge for organizations. Join us for a webinar on Nov 21 covering “Prioritizing security: Essential strategies for IT leaders,” where Redgate’s security experts will share their tips on how you can safeguard your database estate and minimize reputational risk. There will also be a Q&A session where you can get expert advice from our panelists.

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Consistency and Concurrency in NewSQL Database Systems

Companies today require database systems that are reliable and capable of efficiently handling large volumes of data and numerous transactions. Traditional relational databases, once the foundation of data management, often struggle to meet these modern demands, leading to delays and program slowdowns. In response, NewSQL databases, a new class of SQL systems, has emerged.



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Creating a “Real” Copy of a View: #SQLNewBlogger


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The Hash Join III

In a hash join, if all the build input does not fit in memory, what type of hash join is this?

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