SQLServerCentral Article

Performance Tuning with SQLFacts Tools

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The need for performance tuning your SQL Server workloads has never been more critical. As workloads are moved into cloud services, their efficiency has a direct impact on the recurring bills. A workload that consumes more resources than necessary costs more to host in the cloud and affects the bottom line for your organization.

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DAX CASE Statement Functionality with IF, SWITCH and SWITCH True

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The CASE expression is one of the most valuable tools in your T-SQL toolbox. I use it in almost every query I write. However, there isn't a direct equivalent of CASE in DAX. Since it's a different language entirely, I don't expect it. As my grandmother used to say, I am not surprised, just disappointed. If you don't know, DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a language for creating custom calculations and aggregations in Power Pivot, Power BI, and other data analysis tools. Two functions in DAX come close to replicating the functionality but come with limitations. Which one of these functions should you use? Please stay tuned.


SQLServerCentral Article

ChatGPT in SQL Server - Practical examples

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Introduction ChatGPT in SQL Server In this article, we will learn some basic examples of ChatGPT in SQL Server. In a previous article, we had an interview with ChatGPT an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI. If you do not know how to use it yet, you can go to that article. We will show some […]

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Sharpen Your SQL Skills: June’s Challenge Awaits!


This June, LearnSQL is throwing down the gauntlet with a fresh SQL Practice challenge....

Denver Dev Day – Best Practices for Database Deployments Resources


I delivered a talk today on database deployment best practices at the Denver Dev...

A New Word: desanté


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On Being an "Expert"

By Grant Fritchey

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Advice: how to script out existing Azure (logical) SQL Server logins

By Stteb

Advice on how to script out existing Azure (logical) SQL Server logins and mapped...

Abort Package after specified timeout project parameter

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Hi I have a sequence container which contains an execute package task which loads...

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Adding Hints with Query Store

I have a query that is being tracked in the SQL Server 2022 Query Store. I want to add a hint to this query to ensure that the MAXDOP for this query is one. How can I do this with minimal code changes

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