How To Find A Perfect Match
This article presents a way that finds a perfect match in any bipartite graph or shows why one cannot exist.
2,851 reads
This article presents a way that finds a perfect match in any bipartite graph or shows why one cannot exist.
2,851 reads
Introduction This article shows how common table expressions (CTE) in SQL Server are naturally suited for navigating trees, such as finding its longest path, or diameter. Recall that a tree is an undirected graph where unique paths exist between any two nodes (i.e. vertices). Any node may be selected as its top node, with its […]
7,661 reads
I presented at SQL Saturday Pittshburgh this past weekend about populating your data warehouse...
By Steve Jones
A customer was asking recently about the RPO for their estate, and I showed...
By Steve Jones
I’m hosting a webinar tomorrow with Rie Merritt from Microsoft. We’ll be talking about...
Hey all, Just wondering how do you guys / girls set up git repo(s)...
hi everyone I am planning on adding a composite key for my tables. I...
We have a Production/Live version with up-to-date data and a Test version with older...
CREATE TABLE t0 ( id INT PRIMARY KEY , field1 VARCHAR(1000) , field2 VARCHAR(MAX)); INSERT INTO t0 SELECT gs.value , REPLICATE ('X', 1000) , REPLICATE ('Y', 1000) FROM generate_series(1, 10, 1) gs; GO
select STRING_AGG(field1, ';') within group (order by id) from t0;
select STRING_AGG(field2, ';') within group (order by id) from t0;