Copy and paste the script to SQL Management Studio and run it.
461 reads
Copy and paste the script to SQL Management Studio and run it.
declare checkLogins cursor for select Name from sys.server_principals where type_desc LIKE 'WINDOWS%' open checkLogins declare @login varchar(100) fetch checkLogins into @login while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin begin try declare @sql nvarchar(max) set @sql = 'alter login ' + quotename(@login,'[') + ' with name = ' + quotename(@login,'[') execute (@sql) end try begin catch if ERROR_NUMBER() = 15098 print @login + ' failed validation with the system SID. This user/group account has been recreated. You will need to drop and recreate the login and associated database user accounts' else print @login + ' - ' + error_message() + ' (' + cast(error_number() as varchar(10)) + ')' end catch fetch checkLogins into @login end deallocate checkLogins