Alter database owner to SA from any user details on all user databases
Alter database owner to SA from any other user details against all user databases
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-01-13)
1,826 reads
Alter database owner to SA from any other user details against all user databases
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-01-13)
1,826 reads
The script helps to calculate the size of the backup of the databases monthwise. This will help to understand the database growth rate from the backup file if we do not have any data collection utility to find the exact details of the DATA File growth.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2012-08-20)
1,583 reads
-- Backup Growth Trend Check To Understand how much disk space you need in future
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-06-02)
1,259 reads
Creates a record of all or part of a Windows PowerShell session in a text file.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-09-17)
1,112 reads
If you have any requirement to extract next 100 sequential date from a present date, you can use the below script. You can change the @datetimeformat value and the output will appear in the same format.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2016-09-26)
506 reads
Check Status of a database. It will loop through all databases and will print message if the db is present.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-04-10)
1,291 reads
Execute the function and pass only the SQL Server Name to check if the SQL Instance is available and if yes, what is the Instance Type.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-03-26)
1,282 reads
Check all the running SQL services in different servers.
You can use the details before you start implementing SQL Patch to the servers i.e. if you want to explicitly stop the SQL Services.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-03-26)
2,059 reads
If you have any requirement to check the size of each sub-folders in a path, you can use my script.
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-05-20)
1,588 reads
Using Powershell, Cleanup Older than 30 days of Files & Folder through SQL Job
2019-05-03 (first published: 2015-08-04)
2,515 reads
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One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...
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Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...
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