
Technical Article

Function and Queries to Convert Hierarchical Adjacency to Nested Json Arrays

This script converts hierarchical adjacency into nested json rows which contain the recursive "downlines" of each node.  The table-valued function treats each row in the original adjacency as the root node in a recursive common table expression. 

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2019-11-25 (first published: )

700 reads

Technical Article

Create a view to Alter a Table and Add three Columns

I am teaching a database class at Queens College. The project entails the truncation of all of the data and loading new data into the  existing database "BIClass" from a single of the flattened data. One of the tasks of the project was to add these three additional columns to each of the tables (AlterTableAddColumnsUserAuthorizationKeyAndTwoTimeStamps): […]

3 (3)

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2019-11-18 (first published: )

975 reads

Technical Article

Function and Queries to Convert Hierarchical Adjacency to Nested Json Arrays

This script converts hierarchical adjacency into nested json rows which contain the recursive "downlines" of each node.  The table-valued function treats each row in the original adjacency as the root node in a recursive common table expression. 

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2019-11-12 (first published: )

1,936 reads

Technical Article


A diagnostic tool for identifying Performance features of active SQL Queries. It collects performance detail from DMVs for queries with executing requests and is designed to demonstrate and quantify Query Shaping optimisation techniques by: quantifying query workload and throughput characteristics providing behavioural descriptors of potential performance inhibitors - refer column ThrottlePotential The ThrottlePotential column is […]

5 (3)

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3,985 reads

Technical Article

Generic trigger for maintaining the Audit Log

This trigger will work even if you don't have the primary key on any table. Mechanism to configure the primary key in config table has been provided. This can be very helpful to solve the system audit requirements without much efforts.

Disclaimer : Audit Log trigger has performance overhead. It’s meant for table which is not frequently updated, deleted or inserted. Please take precaution when creating the trigger on the table having too many columns.

2.33 (3)

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2019-10-15 (first published: )

2,702 reads


Migrate datetime data to datetimeoffset with AT TIME ZONE


I recently reviewed, worked on, and added a similar example to the DATETIMEOFFSET Microsoft...

The Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Your SQL DBA Skills


Database administrators (DBAs) are the backbone of data-driven organizations. If you're looking to break...

Friday Basics: Authentication vs. Authorization


Another security fundamentals topic is authentication versus authorization. For those who have a clear...

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By Grant Fritchey

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By LearningDBA

Experts, I am learning some skills so I can troubleshoot some performance-related issues. I...

How to install it does not have

By ivanb

How to install it does not have Checked also: mysql-connector-python-8.4.0.tar.gz

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Two Table Hints

What happens when I run this code:

, p.ProductCategory

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