SQLServerCentral Editorial

Seeing the World Differently with a Coach


I ran across an article recently that got me to stop and really think about how I proceed through life and who my coaches, confidants, and mentors are in the world. There are a few people I lean on, and while I don't get the same advice from them as in this piece, I did find this to be a series of things in this post that made me stop and think.

Leo Widrich is a coach to CEOs, founders, and executives.  Last year he coached 101 people and wrote about a few takeaways. It is an interesting read, and paints many of these executives with feelings, emotions, insecurities, and other frailties that I have. I suspect many others feel the same way in their lives.

Each of these items made me think a bit, but perhaps the one that had the most impact on me was to think about non-attachment. I think this might be my biggest struggle, to accept difficult situations, and not lash out or get upset, but let the emotions wash over me, experience them, and then let them go. I struggle to do this without some sort of reaction, or most often, overreaction. I have recognized this a few times as I get older and gotten better at experiencing things without a out sized emotional response, but I still have work to do.

Maybe the best quote for me was at the top: "... people have heard me say that I think it quite reckless and silly for founders and other executives to go through their life and business world (when you can afford it) without a trusted mentor, coach, advisor or therapist." I actually think this is something most people need, especially those in stressful situations. I don't know you need to pay a life coach, though a therapist is often a good idea. A good adviser, someone trusted and with your best interests at heart is invaluable as you go through life. I think I have a couple of them, and I'm glad I do.


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