Technical Article

Divide big delete into several small ones

  • Script

Big transactions cause the Tlog to grow.When you do a clean of a large table, the delete statement can cause a very long transactionSometimes it's necessary to prevent this.So we divide one big delete into several little ones.A table with call centre data gets +/- 1-mlj records a day. Every day we run a script […]

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Technical Article

Function to Return the Amount of Children in a Tree

  • Script

Assuming we have the following table (that stores hierarchical data)  :CREATE TABLE [staff] (    [employee] [int] NOT NULL ,    [employee_name] [varchar] (10) NULL ,    [supervisor] [int] NULL ,     PRIMARY KEY  CLUSTERED     (        [employee]    )  ON [PRIMARY] ,     FOREIGN KEY     (        [supervisor]    ) REFERENCES [staff] (        [employee]    ))I ‘ll built a […]

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Technical Article

Working with email addresses in SQL Server!

  • Article

This article shows you how to design the storage for email addresses, how to validate email addresses, how to retrieve demographic information from email addresses efficiently, using computed columns and indexes. It also covers the security aspect of dealing with email addresses.


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No End to Programmers

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Counting Bits II

What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count('7')

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