SQLServerCentral Article

Gathering Random Data

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Brian Knight recently had the basic need to retrieve a record from the database at random. What seemed to be an easy task quickly became a complex one. This case showed an interesting quirk with T-SQL that was resolved in an equally quirky way. This quick article shows you a method to retrieve random data or randomize the display of data.

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Technical Article

Weekly Reports Made Easy

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Each week you are required to run various reports based on table entries made during the week preceding latest Sunday. Use this SQL7/2000 procedure (can be a UDF in SQL2K) to retrieve the latest midnight of a specified day of the week as illustrated below: Declare @StartDate datetime, @EndDate datetime Exec DBAservice.dbo.uspGetLatestWkDayMidnight @pDate = '1998-05-06', […]

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Technical Article

Bitmap an Integer Value

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Do you hate using bitwise operands?  I do, a lot.  I wrote the following function to try to minimize the need for using them.  When testing 'status' variables in the 'sysobjects' table, for example, I decided there just had to be an easier way to see if bit 31 is set than asking if STATUS […]

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Technical Article

A Simple way to find the line of script.

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You can use this procedure to find any word or sentance, which u used in procedures, views, triggers and function. This procedure is basically a modified form of system procedure "sp_helptext". Now its upto you to use that and modified that. To execute the procedure, first create it in your Database and then execute it […]

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Technical Article

Recreate dependencies in database

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This procedure refresh all views of current database in good order to recreate correct dependencies lost after updating views.This procedure just call sp_refreshview and uses temporary tableExecution of this procedure prevent errors in DTS Import/Export wyzard : Copy objects and data between SQL Server databasesexec refresh_all_views_in_order -- in current database and all dependencies are ok […]

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MetaData_TableDependenceOrder Lists User tables in foreign key dependence order.I use this to determine data load order without having to disable foreign key constraints accepts a database name (required) and an optional comma delimited list of tables to filter the dependency list with. If tablelist is not passed, it returns all tables with a load ranking […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Using Exotic Joins in SQL - Part 2

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In the previous article, you saw how the BETWEEN operator could be used in joins to solve problems dealing with range-based data. In this article, Chris Cubley will show you how to take joins even further by using multiple criteria in joins as well as using the greater than, less than, and not equals operators in joins.

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Creating a GitHub Actions Self-Hosted Runner


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Migrating from Azure PG Single Server to Flex with Azure VM and pg_dump/restore


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PowerShell (and T-SQL) and Elastic Jobs


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AG Rules for Databases

Which of these is not a requirement for a database to be added to an Availability Group (AG)?

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