Ryan Randall

Aged 28, from London. Just left my first job after Uni after a 6 year stint, most recently managing the development team for a group of financial companies. Currently having a much needed rest teaching myself some new stuff before getting back into it.
  • Interests: Chess (around FIDE 2175), Poker, Football (soccer)

SQLServerCentral Article

Creating a Script from a Stored Procedure

Ryan demonstrates how he arrived at a solution that allows you to create scripts from a stored procedure using SQL-DMO. If you get interested in DMO, we've got quite a bit of additional content here on the site to help you get going! Ryan is a new author here on the site, please take a minute to read his article, add a comment, maybe just say hello.

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Technical Article

Copy Permissions for a database

Copies the permissions from an existing database user to a new database user.Usage:exec copy_permissions_for_database 'From_User', 'To_User'* From_User must exist in the database.* To_User must not exist in the database.* To_User must exist as a login on the server.I used http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/awarren/sqlpermissionspublicrole_2.asp as a starting point.

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Technical Article

Multiple Replace

Like the replace function, but can replace more than 1 value at a time.e.g. select dbo.multiple_replace('hello', 'e', '1', default) gives 'h1llo'.  Equivalent to: select replace('hello', 'e', '1')e.g. select dbo.multiple_replace('hello world', 'e;w;ld', '1;2;END', default) gives 'h1llo 2orEND'e.g. select dbo.multiple_replace('hello world', 'e$w$ld', '1$2$END', '$') gives 'h1llo 2orEND'

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