Data Conversion

SQLServerCentral Article

The Art of Data Ingestion - Part 1

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Data movement is a fundamental piece of a data engineer’s duties, and recently I’ve been thinking about the art of data movement. What are some of the most important pieces that a data engineer needs to think about when confronted with data ingestion? There is of course data exporting as well, and in that case, […]

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External Article

How to Get SQL Server Data Conversion Horribly Wrong

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One of the most certain ways of going wrong with any relational database is to get data conversion wrong. Implicit data conversion is a good feature for the expert but can cause a lot of trouble to the unwary. These boil down to seven ways of failing to get data conversion right. Rob Sheldon explains and gives sage advice on how to avoid the problems.


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External Article

Data Conversion in SQL Server

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Most of the time, you do not have to worry about implicit conversion in SQL expressions, or when assigning a value to a column. Just occasionally, though, you'll find that data gets truncated, queries run slowly, or comparisons just seem plain wrong. Robert Sheldon explains why you sometimes need to be very careful if you mix data types when manipulating values.


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Technical Article

Database conversion between the most popular DBMSs

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Today many companies determine to publish their data on the Internet trying to expand their business and make their information more accessible. The IT industry proposes a wide range of original solutions for resolving data inconsistency problems that publishers inescapably face when exporting their data as they need to properly access, process and interchange large amounts of information mainly through the web.


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