What is the impact of setting SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF?
Setting ANSI_WARNINGS OFF to avoid NULL value elimination warnings can have an impact on the data quality and system behaviour.
2018-09-11 (first published: 2016-08-23)
28,754 reads
Setting ANSI_WARNINGS OFF to avoid NULL value elimination warnings can have an impact on the data quality and system behaviour.
2018-09-11 (first published: 2016-08-23)
28,754 reads
Because SSIS is case sensitive, random VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA errors on case-insensitive databases may indicate issues in your database change management & deployment process.
2,406 reads
SET options on stored Procedures work a bit different when compared with ad-hoc queries. These differences in behavior are often overlooked when developing the procedures and generating deployment scripts. This mistake can lead to undesired behavior in the application.
2015-10-02 (first published: 2013-08-29)
20,216 reads
Constraints on a table in SQL Server are evaluated in a specific sequence. Knowing this sequence can help us leverage them to realize various business requirements.
2,921 reads
When compared with HASHBYTES, CHECKSUM, has a number of drawbacks. Hence, a question that comes up is: Is Checksum really required? In this article, I attempt to answer that question.
8,174 reads
For enterprise systems, purging data is a reality. Today, we will see some strategies that I recently implemented to make this process work efficiently.
2013-03-08 (first published: 2011-03-24)
24,302 reads
Auditing, conflict resolution, tamper & concurrency protection are some of the most common requirements for any enterprise system – this 2-part series presents an in-depth look at the various change detection mechanisms available within SQL Server.
8,337 reads
Auditing, conflict resolution, tamper & concurrency protection are some of the most common requirements for any enterprise system – this 2-part series presents an in-depth look at the various change detection mechanisms available within SQL Server.
5,306 reads
It is often recommended that system tables should not be updated directly. Presenting a case in point built around nightly job configuration in order to demonstrate the possible issues with updating system tables directly.
5,642 reads
2,411 reads
I’ve covered how to create Elastic Jobs in the portal (this one is important...
By Steve Jones
redesis – n. a feeling of queasiness while offering someone advice, knowing they might...
By Steve Jones
The Solutions Engineers at Redgate recently released an Introduction to Redgate Flyway Autopilot course...
I know in the past this wasn't possible but maybe that's changed as SQL...
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Hi there to all SQL gurus So, here is the scenario. I have a...
What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?
select bit_count('7')See possible answers