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Search for a string in a procedure, trigger or fun

This is an extension of two previous scripts, this one will produce a list of ojects that contain the first parameter and not the second. The function works as a table so if the user wants to list only functions, query as: select * from fn_sys_searchobject('text1','text2') where object_type = 'function'

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2004-08-19 (first published: )

112 reads

Technical Article

Find Database Schema and Objects Changes

This procedure will execute, taking two parameters, (the 2 db names, and will then list out the major object and schema changes for you. It is pretty sraight forward and suggestions are appreciated. It's a good utility for a DBA to track changes after upgrades, etc.. Each portion is easily convertable to a stand alone […]

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2004-08-02 (first published: )

1,101 reads

Technical Article

FormatDate - Mimics the VB Format routine for date

I don't remember where I found this little gem, but as a VB Developer it has simplified retrieving  dates on many projects. Simply pass the function a datetime value and the format that you want in VB style syntax and the date is properly returned. I have modified it slightly from the original author (who […]

5 (2)

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2004-07-23 (first published: )

299 reads

Technical Article

Grant Execute Permissions to All Procedures

This procedures grants execute permissions to all the stored procedures in a database to the role/user supplied as the parameter. the default is Execute_StoredProcedure. Execute this procedure local to the database you need to grant permissions.

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2004-07-22 (first published: )

341 reads

Technical Article

Freeware: Tablesizer

How many times do you need to estimate space for a new application? Or estimate growth for an existing one? We've had a new contribution to the freeware section of the site. Tablesizer will allow you to guesstimate how much disk space you'll need. Take a peek if you need it, rate the product and give the author any feedback you have.

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3,779 reads

Technical Article

Books on line update

Books on line has been updated since the release of SQL2000.
If you check the documentation for the sp_addlogin stored procedure and example E says
SELECT CONVERT(VARBINARY(32), password) then you should update your installation.


193 reads


A New Word: Amoransia


amoransia – n. the melodramatic thrill of unrequited love; the longing to pine for...

The Data API Builder Start and Add Extensions in VS Code


One of the things that I like about the Data API Builder (DAB) is...

Using OneLake for Excel Files in Microsoft Fabric


Hey data friends! This blog is to discuss an edge case I’ve run into...

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DbDefence - how does work this tool?

By Oleg-461731

How it is implemented?  I have installed, tried, it is free for dbs <=30...

Technical Pain Behaviors

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Technical Pain Behaviors

trying to call powershell from TSQL statement

By Siten0308

Hello, trying to call a powershell file I created, locally on the server, but...

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Counting Bits

What does the BIT_COUNT function do in SQL Server?

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