This is a fairly basic script that gets back a list of steps within dts packages that failed within the last 24 hours. The reason I wrote this script, is that if you call a dts package from a dts package on another server via a scheduled job on that same server, both the package […]
2004-09-13 (first published: 2004-06-16)
129 reads
This script is supported only in SQL SERVER 2000, This shows only indexes created by users in tables.Parameter @tabela--> You can put the table name and get the information about users indexes in this table.OrYou can put nothing (NULL) and see all tables on the schema and how many indexes each table have.
2004-09-10 (first published: 2004-06-08)
239 reads
Uses the sysjobs and the sysjobhistory tables in the msdb database to determine if ONLY THE MOST RECENT RUN of any job on the server failed.
2004-09-09 (first published: 2004-06-02)
253 reads
Given a backupfile with a lot of sequential log-backups, this script automatically restores just those backups out of the file, which are necessary to bring the database up to a given timelag relating to the original database.Params are path to backupfile, name of the db to restore to, timelag in minutes.
2004-09-08 (first published: 2004-05-28)
1,635 reads