Simple enough routine that I've had to write I don't know how many times in different languages. It does what it says in the title i.e. kills multiple occurences of the whitespace character, leaving one behind to tell the tale.
2004-09-20 (first published: 2004-05-21)
138 reads
This is a modification of Database Data Dictionary by rsellers at procedures to help maintain field definitionsvp_DatabaseDictionary lists the columns grouped by ColumnName, Type, and Length.DatabaseSchemaByColumn is a variation of rsellers procedure in that it takes a column name as an input.Usage: execute vp_DatabaseDictionary you may find that you have several fields of the […]
2004-09-15 (first published: 2004-06-20)
360 reads
As you know, if you've written even a modested amount of UDFs, they like to be deterministic in fact they insist on it, and the most undeterministic value you are likely to want is today's date. Yes, you can use calls to extended stored procedures but I like the simplicity and versatility of this solution.The […]
2004-09-14 (first published: 2004-06-17)
299 reads